Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So it is summer time. The girls are out of school and now they spend their days playing, reading, (a mandate from mom) and fighting! I have found myself stopping many fights and it is driving me crazy. Every day it is pretty much the same. When are they going to learn?

Well July has been a pretty great month. JC graduates from Paramedic school this Friday! Hallelujah! It has been a long year and I am so glad that we can go back to living normal again.

Shayla celebrated her 6th birthday on the 8th and had a huge party. I definately bit off a little bit more than I could chew that day. She had a great time and her friends did too. We had a water party and ate pizza. There were about 16 friends that came and then cousins too. (Never again will I invite people and think that they will not be able to come!) We survived the party with no casualties and everyone had fun.

AJ is doing so well. I would lable the potty training done. He is very good to tell me when he needs to go and we have very minimal accidents a week. GREAT JOB BUDDY! Pull ups are still a mandate for bed time. He doesn't like to wear them but occasionally he does wake up wet so instead of changing sheets, he gets to complain when we get jammies on.

This month we have done many things with our family. We enjoyed taking our kids to the Oqquirh Mountain Temple open house. The temple was beautiful. It was very hot that day but I am glad that my children had that opportunity. We also went to the Day's of 47 Rodeo. I have never been to the Rodeo and I have lived in Utah my whole life! It was fun. I think the kids enjoyed it. AJ came home and was talking all about the cowboys. I think the best part for the kids was the Monkey. They had a sheep dog with a monkey dressed as a cowboy strapped in a saddle on his back. It was really cute. They even hurded steers. The evening was really fun and it was nice to get out and do something. On the 24th we spent the day at Cherry Hill water park. We all had fun getting wet on the water slides and spending the day as a family.

Only 3 more weeks and then school starts again. I have to point out that while writing this post I have had to stop yet another fight with my daughters. We hope everyone's summer is treating them well.

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