Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Let's get caught up!

Wow! It has almost been 2 months since we have posted an update. Here is a run down. Haylee turned 7 on April 5th. Wow, I can't believe she is 7! Time really flies! Her birthday was on Conference Sunday so we had 2 parties that day. One for lunch with the Kalmar side, and one for dinner with the Spicer side. I have decided that it is cheaper to make cakes for birthday's rather than buy 2 of them. So Haylee decided that she wanted an Ariel cake.

I decided to frost both cakes at the same time so that there was less mess with the frosting. My hands hurt so bad after. Haylee loved it though.

Then the next Sunday was Easter. The kids looked so cute in their new Sunday clothes.

They also had a fun Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma's house. AJ thought that was so fun!

About mid April JC started doing his practicals for Medic school. He has been all over the Valley doing all kinds of things. A couple of days in the ER and OR at the IMC hospital. Rides with Sandy, Provo, and Orem fire. We have learned that we can't look more than a week or two in advance schedule wise or we get confused as to where he is this week.

Since our income has dropped due to JC not working a few part time jobs, the kids and I have picked up a new part time job. We helped deliver flyers for Pier 49. JC helps me when he can and it really makes a big difference when he is there. The kids HATE doing flyers, especially Shayla. She makes it sound like it is hard physical labor when you talk to her about it. We get paid $.10 a flyer. It does add up in the end. So far we have delivered over 1400 flyers. The money definately helps out. I haven't had the kids help me for about a month now so hopefully they won't complain too much when I tell them that it's time to again.

We are also so excited that we have planned a family trip to Disneyland in September.

I keep wanting September to come faster! It's not working though. Oh well, knowing that we have a trip planned will help me get through the rest of school. June and July left and then Paramedic school is done!!! I definately hope that the pay raise is good and makes the sacrifices worth it. So that pretty much brings our family up to date. The girls are in school until July 2nd which is still a long time but I think I am glad because then I don't have to entertain all day long.