So I messed up. Shayla lost a tooth last night after dinner and I forgot to do the tooth fairy deal. Oops! I have done it before with Haylee so she was not really upset. I explained to her that the tooth fairy probably could not get to her because she lost it at night and she didn't get that far on her list. Then I told her that maybe she doesn't like to work on Sundays and will come tonight. Haylee told Shayla that I was right and the tooth fairy didn't come to her once because it was a Sunday. Few! I got off easy! Well then about 9am that morning after the girls were at school my neighbor Kristi called me and told me of the discussion they had about the tooth fairy in the car on the way to school today. Her daughter Corinne had lost a tooth yesterday also. Shayla was so excited to show Corinne her lost tooth. Corinne asked if the tooth fairy came and Haylee said that she didn't because it was Sunday night. Corinne then told her that the tooth fairy came to her last night. Haylee was so confused because she was sure that the tooth fairy didn't come on Sundays! Kristi wanted me to be aware of what was said. It's kind of funny if you think about it.
I called JC and told him that this was all his fault because he didn't remind me last night. He knows my brain is fried! He wouldn't accept the blame though.
All I can say is that I'm so glad that I'm not the only mom that forgets the tooth fairy thing. I'm terrible! I've even forgotten 2 days in a row!! One day they'll look back and laugh...right?
Last night Skyler lost his tooth and I forgot to do the tooth fairy thing so you really are not alone.
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